Hi my name is Millenno Kho

About Me

My name is Millenno Kho. I am an Indonesian Chinese who is born in Singapore. I came back to Singapore to pursue my education when I was primary 1. I came back to Singapore alone and lived in a hostel. Since then, I have learnt to be independent. However at the cost of having a better eduation (compared to my home country), I have lost the precious times that i could have with my family.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world:
The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
-George Bernard Shaw

Goals and Dreams

My goal in life is to prolong the human lifespan while retaining the physical body of a 21 years old. Even if I can't be in the frontline reseaching on prolonging the human life, I believe that I could contribute by funding the scientists that are working on it. This goal/dream was set when i witness how my grandfather passed away. For a non-believer to see the process of death, it made me really scared. This fear became my driving force to achieve for something greater in the future.